How much is the tuition fee to study in Australia?

By VisaConnex
October 21, 2021
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Tuition fees for international students to study at an Australian university start from $AUS20,000 per year, with the average cost being over $30,000 per year. 

The actual fee for a course is based on the number of units you need to complete to obtain the qualification.  Australian degrees can be shorter than other countries, for example, Australian:

Bachelor degrees = 3 years full-time study
Professional or Honours degrees = 4 years full-time study
Masters degrees = 1.5-2 years full-time study

Some Australian universities have below-average tuition fees due to their location or ethos to provide education to international students.


Australia has an internationally renowned vocational education and training (VET) sector that offers lower-level qualifications, sometimes over shorter periods, and substantially less than a university degree.  These courses also provide pathways into university degrees.  VET courses can run for 6 to18 months, and course tuition fees range from $AUS4,000-$AUS20,000 per year.


Australia also offers international High School students the opportunity to live and study in Australia through a High School Year Abroad program.  Tuition fees range from $AUS4,000 to $AUS18,000.