In Australia, you are able to work if you have a Student Dependent Visa. If you are a dependent of an undergraduate student, you can work 40 hours per fortnight. Postgraduate student dependents can work full time. Please contact us to learn more. In Canada, an international student’s spouse or common-law partner may be eligible… Continue reading Can I work if I have a Student Dependent Visa?
Depending on the Visa conditions on your Tourist Visa, you may be able to change from a Tourist to a Student Visa. Please contact us to learn more.
There may be other options if you don’t qualify for Permanent Residency (PR) after your studies. Please contact us to learn more.
Australia, Canada, and the UK have a point-based Permanent Residency (PR) application system, which gives clear guidelines on how to gain the required points for PR. All of these countries put a strong emphasis on work experience in your related occupation. The good thing is that all these countries allow international students to work for… Continue reading Can I apply for Permanent Residency (PR) after I finish my studies?
Australia maintains and updates a list of occupation that is crucial to Australia’s economy. Students looking for a Permanent Residency (PR) pathway should aim to study courses that leads to occupations on this list. Some of the courses that have long-term prospects are Computer and Information Technology, Nursing and Medical courses, Engineering, Automotive, Cookery, and… Continue reading What are the Permanent Residency (PR) leading courses in Australia?
Every destination has different application requirements for a Post Study Work (PSW) Visa. The UK has officially opened its Post Study Work Visa from 1 July 2021. Any international student who has completed an eligible course on Tier 4 Visa can now apply for a PSW Visa. There may be other requirements, so please contact… Continue reading How can I apply for a Post Study Work Visa?
Depending on your study destination and your situation, you may be able to apply to change a course. In Australia, you must complete at least the first six months of study of your first course. In Canada, you can change the institutions or courses. However, you must notify the change to the Immigration Department. Please… Continue reading What is the process of changing a course?
Most colleges and universities require you to show that you have the required English proficiency to study your chosen course. Some study destinations may also have IELTS as the requirement of a Visa. However, there may be some exemption for English Tests. Please contact us to find out more about whether you need IELTS/PTE or… Continue reading Can I apply without IELTS/PTE or another English language test?
Yes, most colleges and universities require you to show that you have the required English proficiency to study your chosen course. Some study destinations may also have IELTS as the requirement of a Visa. However, there may be some exemption for English Tests. Please contact us to find out more about English Language tests required… Continue reading Do I need to take an English Language test?
Most of the popular study destinations allow international students to work part-time while studying. Australia allows international students to work 40 hours fortnightly. International students in the USA are generally not allowed to work outside of campus. Please contact us to find out more about your destination choice.